In this calendar you can find all my current group courses. For the course description you may scroll down – they are located below the calendar. For the Breathwork courses please carefully read the course description.
Please note that currently most of my group classes are in German. Courses in English are labeled accordingly with (EN). Mentoring programs and one-to-one sessions are always available in both languages.
Letting go. Restoring your inner freedom. Getting closer to yourself. Dissolving old stories & patterns. Breathing. Feeling. Healing.
Breathwork helps you regulate your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and step out of your stress cycle. Through Conscious Connected Breathing, you will gain direct access to your limbic system and access the stored stress and trauma responses that no longer serve you and dissolve them – allowing you to regain healing, tranquility, relaxation, creativity and connection to yourself.
In this session, you will be guided, motivated and held by me through this process. I want to show you that you are already whole and complete at your core. Sometimes it takes a few impulses from the outside to lead you there again, but you already have the power within you.
By signing up, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the waiver here on my website. In the waiver I also point out contraindications. Please read it carefully and feel free to contact me with any questions. If you agree, please indicate the following under „Mitgliedsnummer” when you sign up: “I hereby acknowledge that I have read the waiver and agree to it in all respects.”
Getting up on the wrong side of the bed? Not with the right morning routine.
With the right morning ritual, you lay the foundation for your entire day. How do you want to start your day? Clear, thoughtful, relaxed & structured? Then you’re in wonderful hands with this morning meditation. We use the golden morning hour to prepare our mind for the day. We start with short, gentle stretches (mostly) while sitting, practice breathing techniques and end with a relaxing & clearing meditation – ready for the day!
Our wonderful body has so much to tell. Far too often we do not listen to it and give it the space it deserves.
This somatic meditation which is based on the Alchemy Meditation by Alchemy of Breath is about developing a powerful body awareness and improving our intuition. Our body is like an archive in which many things can build up. We give it space and learn together to read the writing in it – and provide a stage for it to speak it out loud!
This meditation will help you:
*develop an understanding and feeling for the Felt Sense
*train your body sense and intuition
*communicate from your body consciousness
*use your own mental power
Lu Jong is the Tibetan teaching of movement for the healing of body and mind. Under guidance we practice exercises together to balance the 5 elements. The Lu Jong exercises help us to come into the body and move from the egocentric into the collective realm.
This is followed by a metta meditation – the practice of loving kindness applied to all living beings, which trains our compassion.
My courses take place in my own premises in Offenbach, online or in the premises of the Happy Place Darmstadt. All prices can be found in the respective date at registration. Special offers and price packages can be found here.
Your Request
You have questions about my offer, want to register for a course or book a price package? Then send me a message here.